After spending 10 years in the back of the house in the restaurant industry, I have spent the last 10 trying to figure out where our food comes from. Now, I’m taking some time off from the busy world, to simplify my life and enjoy it. I am regularly feeding a picky family that loves hamburgers, pizza and tacos. Who doesn’t love these? But, I continually work to introduce them to real food and how it comes to be. Whether it’s making ranch dressing or pizza from scratch or my own goal of growing a years worth of tomatoes and garlic.
I love to think about times before all of our modern amenities and imagine how things used to be. I want to eat food without thinking about whether it is good for me or not. I don’t follow any specific dietary guidelines, except to enjoy what I eat. I do think that if there is a food out there that you don’t like, there’s a good chance you haven’t learned to cook it properly. One of my main goals of this blog is to build a history of information that could be passed to the future. I am constantly reminded that one of the biggest challenges that we all face in understanding where our food comes from, is the lack of information that was passed from our parents and grandparents about growing and cooking our own food.